While we all know that being fat is bad for you
If you still want larger magnification the binocular must have built in Image Stabilization. This largely allows us to obtain a qualitative image. Lens The most popular size of lenses, for marine binoculars, is 50mm. While we all know that being fat is bad for you, world class love handles are hardly a life sentence […]
If you still want larger magnification the binocular must have built in Image Stabilization. This largely allows us to obtain a qualitative image. Lens The most popular size of lenses, for marine binoculars, is 50mm. While we all know that being fat is bad for you, world class love handles are hardly a life sentence of diabetes sprinkled sissiness. Loads of lumberjacks, construction workers and other classic masculine types sport an impressive gut, yet come across as far manlier than the 110 pound Justin Bieber types. As long as a guy doesn’t let himself go completely spherical, being a bit fat doesn’t make him any less manly.
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